Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Letter to you & your families from your Corporation – 2013

This has been a very busy and active year for all who attend and partake in the services and activities of the membership of St. Philip’s Church. We were most fortunate to have had such a positive response to the financial drive and hope the next phase of the restoration of the inside of the church goes as well as the first - The Tower. We have to all try to encourage growth in the church community and increase our numbers including being able to establish an active Sunday school with a qualified teacher for all ages of children.

The Christmas Bazaar was very well attended. The apple picking trip was a lot of fun and the pie baking was very successful and hopefully it can be repeated next year with increased participation. Quinn’s Farm is an educational spot for children and adults alike.

The men of the church are excellent cooks and do us proud. We are very fortunate that all the parishioners who are able to take part in the activities and they deserve our thanks. Please try and encourage past active members to return to the church and help us with the restoration. During the coming month we will be working on our plans for the future of St Philip’s. It is up to all of us to participate in this project. If you have any ideas or suggestions for improvements and money making for these activities please let Father Jim and the members of the corporation know.

Mylѐne has worked very hard this year on the hall rentals and deserves sincere thanks from everyone. She has increased the finances made by a good sum. This financial report is available for the asking. Much time is spent doing the bulletins. Andy also does his best under some rather difficult circumstances.

The church music program is being enjoyed and much appreciated by one and all - thanks to Peter and our dedicated choir.

Our ladies are also an asset and do their share of the participation in the activities of the day to day running of our church. What would we all do without the Alter Guild?

This year I tried a different format for this letter as I would like to acknowledge and show our thanks to everyone who has a part in the organization of our church and our religious education.

Father Jim deserves all our thanks and support for the improvements we have been able to achieve.

Peace, joy and friendship to all

Corporation: Stephen, Shan, Jean-Guy & Audrey

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